August 28 2011
Extensions for Windows is now Free!
Due to our inability to currently support Extensions for Windows, we have
decided to offer the FULL VERSION of Extensions for Windows at no charge, at
least until we are able to release an updated version. We believe that this is a
great product deserved by all Windows users, while we may be able to restart its
maintenance in the future, with your support. Please tell all your friends about
it, write about it on your blog, and enjoy this free product, as our goal always
was to improve everyone's experience with Windows. Please note that Extensions
for Windows is free of advertisements, browser plug-ins, and any other junk. You
get the pure product that hopefully will help you get the most out of Windows.
The information about the free product may remain hidden here and low-key for a
while, unless you point others to this specific News page. Here are the
instructions on how to obtain Extensions for Windows for FREE:
Download the full 32-bit version
Download the full 64-bit version
Please enter the following license key when installing the full product version: